Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry beating Taylor Swift to be Forbes' highest-paid musician in 2018 could be exciting to fans of music that is not of the highest quality. Further down Forbes' list of 10 that the intrigue is real and could lead to an opponent. In the 8th spot, just behind Rihanna and ahead of both Celine Dion, and Britney Spears sits Helene Fischer. Who? This is the Russian-German actress who has a very tight lip. She would like to be a woman of everywoman. In her numerous interviews that she loves butter and her German partner, who was a popular TV personality, had her image tattooed to his arm. Fischer 34 has an unique sound, which is often defined by biographical definitions. First, there is an oompah-like bierhalle bop that swaggers about matters related to alcohol-related boozebabes as well as Bundesrepublik. Fischer is the perfect example of its antagonist: the faithful woman whose heart skips and breath stops when she thinks of her beloved man who plays up her feminine feebleness in order to stimulate his protection instincts. Traditional themes from Schlager are an excellent counterpoint to Western-influenced pop that swept into Germany after the Second World War. It endures thanks to its popularity among baby boomers and beyond who are well served by infinite Schlager TV specials Fischer offers every year at Christmas a cloying all-star revue which makes Jools Annual Hootenanny look similar to the Channel 4s Club X. With its conventional sensibilities, Schlager is the music of country's spiritual twin and Fischer is giving it an abrasive synth-pop upgrade like she was a German Taylor Swift. But where Swifts music style evolution has made her cool it is hard to overstate how little the critics love Fischers rather terrible music.
Claudia Wells (born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia) lived her life in San Francisco CA. Wells was famous for appearing in the film Back to the Future as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's girlfriend. In 1985, Wells was a co-star on Stop the Madness an anti drug music video sponsored by the Reagan administration and featuring a variety of well-known actors, musicians as well as athletes. Then, in 1985, she starred as the main character in the TV movie Babies Having Babies. This was a TV version of Fast Times from 1982. Claudia, whose career had been on an upwards trajectory towards being a successful actress for a few years and then took a brief rest when she found out that her mother was suffering from cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia has over fifty credits in film, TV and the theater. The real work of her career is still to be determined as she looks forward to gritty, unconventional and challenging parts. Claudia Wells oversees Armani Wells, a men's fine-clothing store. For more details, go to her website

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